Adopted October 20, 2005
The Boone County Library is an equal opportunity employer. The library follows the employment policy as outlined in the Boone County Employment Policy for Permanent Employees; page 1, section 3, subsection B states the following: It is the County's policy to provide equal opportunity for all qualified persons; to prohibit unlawful discrimination in employment practices, compensation practices, personnel procedures, and the administration of benefit plans; and to otherwise provide the same or similar treatment and opportunities to all persons similarly situated. The library, in furtherance of this stated policy, will enact the following procedures: All interested applicants for a position at the library will fill out an approved application form. Resumes and letters of reference may accompany this form. Applications will be kept on file for six months from the date the application was received. When positions at the library become available, the library will advertise the positions in the local newspaper for a minimum of three days. Potential candidates will be interviewed by the Director as well as the head of the department in which the vacancy occurs. All new employees must undergo a background check before they will be accepted for employment at the Boone County Library. All offers of employment are contingent upon approval by the Boone County Library Board. The Boone County Employment Policy manual states, in reference to probationary periods, the following in section 13 subsection C: Probationary Period, All new employees shall serve a six (6) month probationary period, except the Sheriff's Office employees to be certified to have one (1) year probationary period. This period is established to determine if an employee is able and willing to perform the position's duties satisfactorily. An employee may be dismissed during this period at any time, without notice of liability of any kind (except for wages earned and unpaid) and with or without cause. The Boone County Library will provide each employee with a copy of the Boone County Employee Manual, a packet of time sheets, and a copy of the job description for the position for which he/she is hired. Applications may be picked up at the front desk of the library. Openings will be listed in the Harrison Daily Times and on our website.